Restoration of the heritage and teaching of first century Messianic Judaism is a call from God to come back to the roots of Christianity. An honest reading of the New Testament from a biblical and historical perspective makes it clear that the first century believers in Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ) were all Jewish people and that they never considered themselves a new religion outside of Judaism (Acts 24:14-16).
Their Mashiach (Messiah) was a Jew who lived and taught the Torah (the law of God) (Matthew 5:17-20). He also ordered His talmidim (disciples) to imitate Him and then go and proclaim such a way of walking in faith, first to the lost sheep of Israel and then to the nations to bring them in to His flock (John 12:20-26, 14:23-24; Matthew 28:19-20).
History of the early Christian church teaches us that in the second century AD a separation occurred between the majority of Gentile believers and the Jewish believers in Mashiach due to persecution from Rome, the destruction of the temple in 70 AD and later the city of Jerusalem in 135 AD. This parting from each other promoted the development of new theology and tradition within the Gentile realm and led Gentile believers to reject as heresy that which originally was thought of as heritage, truth and the only way. The Hebrew mindset and traditions were replaced by Hellenistic thought and pagan customs. The Way of Y’shua that was marked by obedience to the way of God and faith was substituted with an intellectual declaration of faith. Instead of the message of repentance and return to obedience to God’s law (Torah) that is found in the Gospels (Matthew 3:2 and 4:17), a new message was preached—abandoning God’s law and God’s customs. That apostasy was, however, prophesied in Scripture (Acts 20:28-32 and 2 Thessalonians 2:2-12). Yet, praise Adonai, a message of restoration at the end of the age was also foretold in Matthew 10:5-23 and Revelation 18:4-10!
We invite you to discover for yourself the truth and the way of Y’shua HaMashiach and be a part of the process of restoration of the heritage and the teaching of first century Messianic Judaism. May the words of our Messiah Y’shua come true for you and me: “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshippers” (John 4:23).